
» Music is a pub­lic commo­dity and should be ac­ces­sible and under­stand­able for every­one. «

Born in 1993, the pia­nist Gesa Behrens hails from Bremen, Germany. Her play­ing is charac­te­rized by au­then­ti­city and great sen­si­ti­vity. In her con­certs, she pre­sents her­self not only as an inter­pre­ter of clas­si­cal music of all epochs, but also as a music me­di­ator and mo­de­rator. A con­cert vi­sit will be an unfor­get­table expe­rience for both the young and old. Thanks to the ex­pla­nations of Gesa, clas­si­cal music will be seen in a new light. In addi­tion to her solo career, Gesa has also de­di­cated her­self to chamber music.

>> learn more.

» Everyone can learn to play the piano! «

Do you or your child want to learn how to play the piano? Have you al­ready had piano les­sons in the past and would like to re­fresh and dee­pen your knowledge? As a gra­duated piano teacher, I look for­ward to mee­ting you and to­gether dis­covering piano. Having fun while making music will be the most im­por­tant part of the les­son. More­over I will teach you a pro­found playing tech­nique, and and we will un­cover a variety of piano li­te­rature with re­gard to your per­sonal needs and wishes.
>> learn more.



