
» Music is a pub­lic commo­dity and should be ac­ces­sible and under­stand­able for every­one. «

Born in 1993, the pianist Gesa Behrens hails from Bremen, Germany. Her play­ing is cha­rac­terized by au­then­ti­city and great sen­si­ti­vity. In her con­certs, she pre­sents her­self not only as an inter­pre­ter of clas­sical music of all epochs, but also as a music mediator and mode­rator. A con­cert visit will be an un­for­gettable ex­pe­rience for both the young and old. Thanks to the ex­pla­nations of Gesa, clas­sical music will be seen in a new light. In addi­tion to her solo ca­reer, Gesa has also de­di­cated her­self to chamber music.

Gesa Behrens star­ted play­ing the piano at the age of six. She stu­died at the world-renowned University of Music, Drama and Media in Ha­nover, where she com­pleted both Bachelor's and Master's de­grees with high dis­tinc­tion. Gesa was a stu­dent of the fa­mous Po­lish pro­fessor Ewa Kupiec. Her pianist edu­cation was supple­mented by a stay abroad as part of the Erasmus pro­gram, du­ring which she stu­died for one year at the Koninklijk Konservatorium in Brussels in the piano classes of Prof. Daniel Blumenthal, Prof. Jan Michiels and Hans Ryckelinck. Further­more, she has attended vari­ous master­classes, e.g. with Konstanze Eickhorst, Nelson Delle-Vigne Fabbri, Josep Colom, Boaz Sharon and Jerome Rose.

Gesa Behrens plays con­certs in Ger­many and other Euro­pean coun­tries, and thus far has per­formed in Ger­many, France, Bel­gium, Spain, Italy, Po­land and Lithuania. Her pianis­tic achievements in­clude being awarded several prizes and scholar­ships such as the “Deutschland­stipendium” – a scholar­ship suppor­ting out­stan­ding social commit­ment and study results – as well as the Chance Festival Prize and the Henle Prize at the inter­national piano compe­tition “Münchner Klavierpodium”. In 2018 Gesa per­formed at the radio channel “NDR Kultur” where she played for the series "Young artists from northern Germany".