
» Every­one can learn to play the piano! «

Piano les­sons for all ages and levels

Do you or your child want to learn how to play the piano? Have you al­ready had piano les­sons in the past and would like to re­fresh and deepen your knowledge?

As a gra­duated piano tea­cher, I look for­ward to mee­ting you and to­gether dis­cove­ring piano. Having fun while ma­king music will be the most im­por­tant part of the lesson. More­over I will teach you a pro­found play­ing tech­nique, and and we will un­cover a variety of piano li­tera­ture with regard to your per­sonal needs and wishes.

I teach students of all ages and levels. In addition to my work as a self-employed piano teacher, I also teach stu­dents at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts and at the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media in the field of piano didactics and methodology as well as in piano playing.

The language of instruc­tion is German or English.

» You can always improve «

Piano lessons for ad­vanced stu­dents: pre­paration for com­pe­titions and en­trance exams

Ad­vanced piano stu­dents are very wel­come at my piano studio too. Some of my stu­dents have success­fully partici­pated in the com­petition “Jugend musiziert”, or have passed the en­trance exam for a con­ser­vatory. My job as a juror for the com­petition "Jugend musiziert" helps me to pre­pare my students opti­mally for the compe­tition require­ments.

Results of my students at the competition “Jugend musiziert“ 2020
Category Piano Solo
1 x 1st prize regional competition (age group 1b)

Results of my students at the competition “Jugend musiziert“ 2021

Category Piano Duo
2 x 1st prize regional competition (age groups 1b and 2)
2 x 1st prize, 1 x 2nd prize state competition (age groups 2, 3 and 4)
1 x 3rd prize national competition (age group 3)
Category Duo Piano and a string instrument
1 x 1st prize regional competition (age group 1b)

Results of my students at the competition „Jugend musiziert“ 2022
Category Duo Piano and a woodwind instrument
2 x 1st prize regional competition (age group 2)
1 x 1st prize, 1 x 2nd prize state competition (age group 2)
Category Violin Solo with Piano accompaniment
1 x 1st prize regional competition (age group 2)
1 x 1st prize state competition (age group 2)
Category Early Music
1 x 1st prize regional competition (age group 4)
1 x 1st prize state competition (age group 4)
1 x „participated with good success“ national competition (group 4)


» Music for everybody! «

Music mediation

Besides wor­king as a piano teacher, I see a big im­por­tance of music edu­cation and media­tion. How can clas­sical music be ex­plained to people who have never ex­pe­rienced it before? One example for a music me­dia­tion pro­ject I realized is the pro­ject “Music for the Soul”. In 2018, I taught pa­tients of the Psychiatric Psycho­so­matic Clinic Celle in the field of piano. In addi­tion to that we made music and impro­vised with our body, our voice and small instru­ments. In a final con­cert, the pro­ject parti­ci­pants were able to pre­sent their learned skills in front of an au­dience. It was a great achieve­ment for the pa­tients whom be­fore had never made music them­selves.

Feel free to con­tact me if you need a music edu­cator for an event or a con­cert series. I also mode­rate con­certs.